Release 5.69
UPDATE: Full list names now shown on hover in the highlighter pop-up
UPDATE: Icon for annotations in the List panel now appears as an outlined comment bubble to make annotations and comments more distinct
FIX: Searching for “carol” will not cause an exception error
FIX: Imported lists are now immediately shown in the “Add to recent list” options
FIX: Number of active gifts (under Profile -> Gift Status) is now accurate
FIX: Wildcard searches now return list search results and don’t include HTML tags in search results
FIX: List Manager custom sort will place lists correctly when items are in the trash
FIX: Citations added to two or more lists will not add line breaks to text
Release 5.68
NEW: Concord now enters a more accessibility-friendly, single-panel view when the screen is zoomed to 175% or greater. Learn more
NEW: Scrolling through your Print Preview will scroll through your list at the same time and vice versa (setting found under Panel Preferences)
FIX: The keyboard shortcut for deleting selected list entries should now appear in the shortcut list on Macs
FIX: Gift donees should no longer receive server errors if their donor’s account was deleted
FIX: Search result drawers should no longer bounce and show up blank if clicked in rapid succession
Release 5.67
NEW: Additional keyboard shortcuts have been added to Concord. More information can be found here
UPDATE: Annotations only show the first line until clicked
UPDATE: Backend improvements to improve performance
UPDATE: Highlighter icon matches user font size setting instead of size of the highlighted text
FIX: Opening List search results should no longer cause stuttering on Safari
FIX: Miscellaneous line numbering and formatting fixes for German translation of Science and Health
FIX: Using print preview should no longer cause the facing pages button to appear in English
FIX: Import screen text should no longer overlap in French or Portuguese
Release 5.66
UPDATE: Man. 124:11 is now regular text and not a footnote
UPDATE: Added thin spaces before punctuation in French
FIX: Study Tools and Lists panels not usable if the screen is zoomed in
FIX: “Chapter” not translated when viewing Chapter 13 of Science and Health in French
UPDATE: Man. 124:11 is now regular text and not a footnote
FIX: Search results for “seed” are now accurateUPDATE: Added thin spaces before punctuation in French
FIX: Range search not working in French and German when a sentence begins a page