Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Revision History can be a helpful tool to use when you are working on a list and you would like to reference a previous version of that list. It can also be used to restore a list to a previous version after reorganizing a list or deleting citations. Widget Connectoroverlayyoutube_templatecom/atlassian/confluence/extra/widgetconnector/templates/youtube.vmwidth600pxurl


This help article explains how to use Revision History to reference and restore a previous version of a list.

  1. Open the list that you would like to see the Revision History for.

  2. Click on the “List Options” menu to the right of the list’s name.

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  3. Click on “Revision History” when the menu appears.

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  4. The List Revision History will pop up on your screen covering everything except the Lists Panel. Within this view, notice the 2 main areas of Revision History: the “Available Revisions” and the list’s name.

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  5. To view a previous version of your list, click on an Available Revision date.

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  6. The earliest version of the list on this date will appear at the bottom and the newest revision will be at the top. Each change to a list is noted based on the date and time that it occurred.

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  7. To view a previous revision, click on one of the list versions. When there is a change that adds to the list, that change will be highlighted in green and when something is deleted from a list it appears with a red highlight. In this example you can see that a hymn was added with a “+” sign and the hymn itself is highlighted in green.

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  8. When you move a citation within a list, it causes the order to change. The order change is reflected in the changes column. In this example, Hymn 30 was moved from the bottom of the list to the top.

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  9. When you delete a citation it will appear with a “-” sign and a red highlight. If you adjust a citation, the adjusted version of the citation will be highlighted green and the changed part of the citation will be highlighted in red.

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  10. To restore a previous version of a list click on the version you would like to restore. Then click on the circular arrow icon to the right of a timestamped version. When you click on this icon you will be asked to confirm whether or not you want to restore your list to this previous version. If you click “Yes” then your previous list will be restored and will replace the list in the Lists Panel.

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