Learn how to create a new folder for organizing your Concord lists.

Concord’s new Lists Manager allows users to organize their Lists using Folders.
While you can always move a List into a folder after it is created, you can also create a list directly in a folder.

If you use the “+” [plus sign] or the “Create New List” button or menu item, the List will be created at the top level.
You can then move the List into the preferred folder.

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To create a List within a folder, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Lists Manager by clicking the 3-dot/3-line icon: .

  2. Click on the 3-dot menu on the right-hand side of the folder where the List should live.

  3. Select Add List.

  4. A new List will open and you will be prompted to enter a List Name. Click Save.

  5. You can tell that this new List is within a folder because the name of the folder is listed right below the Name of the List.

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