Concord Change Log - 2018

Please see the list below of the latest updates to Concord.

Changes in v5.4.5.5

Updates for v5.4.5.4 and v5.4.5.5 are included in this release.

  • NEW: Scriptural Quotations indexes are fully edited and updated. Thank you all for pointing out various issues with our Scriptural Quotations, we did a full top-to-bottom review of the cross-references and made many, many corrections.
  • NEW: There is a new index in Concord which organizes scriptural quotations by MBE book. It is called “Scriptural Quotations (MBE to Bible)” and may be found on the Indexes tab under Study Tools. While this information existed in the program previously, it wasn’t easily accessible until now.
  • NEW: We have improved the navigation of the Scriptural Quotations indexes. We now provide expand/collapse buttons and individual book and chapter drill-down buttons.
  • NEW: Print your lists to a PDF from your tablet and your smartphone. Android users and some iOS users receive browser-supported PDF export options. iOS users running in full-screen mode (our preferred mode) get an “Email As PDF” option which will send the PDF to your inbox as an attachment. From there, you may share, print, or save the PDF as you normally would from your device.
  • UPDATED: In time for Christmas, we have updated cover art and text styling for Mrs. Eddy's illustrated poem Christ and Christmas.
  • FIX: On iPads, Concord no longer jumps the text to the top of a section when opening or closing the Study Tools or Lists blades. 
  • FIX: The prefaces and forwards in No and Yes and Miscellany are now fully searchable and building citations correctly.
  • FIX: Smartphone/tablet users on iOS can now lookup citations in the search bar for  Message 1900, 1901, and 1902 using a leading apostrophe. For example: '01 3:7–19
  • FIX: The citation builder now creates the correct stop directive for citations that use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.  

Changes in v5.4.5.3

Updates for v5.4.3, v5.4.4, v5.4.5, v5.4.5.1 and v5.4.5.2 are included in this version.

  • NEW: If a user decides not to subscribe at the end of their 30-day free trial, the user's account will be converted to a Read-Only mode. This means any data the user created (lists and annotations) can be viewed, but may not be edited. This is in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • NEW: Customers will now see a new screen when their account transitions to Read-Only mode. This screen gives users the different options for subscribing, redeeming a gift, or continuing to use Concord in Read-Only mode.
  • NEW: There are three new print settings that can be turned on/off in print preview: date, marginal headings, line/verse numbers. See Options under print preview Settings.
  • NEW: Users may now print their Legacy Notebooks.
  • UPDATE: The Study Tools panel will automatically close when print preview is opened.
  • UPDATE: Import buttons name changes from "BACK" to "RESTART" and from "SAVE" to "IMPORT NOW."
  • UPDATE: Added reminders to the program so users will be notified before the end of their 30-day free trial. 
  • FIX: The Safari browser issue that caused Concord to frequently reload has been resolved.
  • FIX: Regardless of whether numbers are on or off, the numbering in print preview now matches the list.
  • FIX: Long titles in preview preview no longer overlap when they wrap to a second line.
  • FIX: Removed underline from hymnal copyright in hymnal text display area.
  • FIX: Revision history text alignment has been left aligned.
  • FIX: Removed question mark from "Keep me logged in."
  • FIX: Removed spaces near hyphens in marginal headings.

Changes in v5.4.1

Updates for v5.3, v5.3.1, and v5.4 are included in this version.

  • NEW: Updated login screen. We have a new login screen to support customers with account or who want to use the new Concord Guest Access feature.
  • NEW: Concord Guest Access. Guest access is now available for Concord and will replace Concord Express in the JSH Online and eBibleLesson products. Concord Guest Access provides free access to Concord with the following restrictions:
    • Hymnal content is unavailable due to copyright limitations.
    • Lists you create are deleted after one hour of inactivity.
    • Guest Access users are automatically opted-in to data analytics (see our new Privacy Policy).
  • NEW: Guest Access functionality:
    • Transition to Free Trial. Users who wish to transition from Guest Access to a registered account can do so without losing the lists they created. Initially they will be signed up for a 30-day free trial, and then have the option to subscribe at the end of 30 days.
    • Alert messages. After 5 searches, you will receive an invitation to login or subscribe to Concord. Each list includes a notice reminding your data will not be saved in the Guest Access version of the program. You will receive a warning message when your Guest Access is about to end, eliminating all data.
  • UPDATE: Major update to print preview. Print preview is updated based upon customer feedback. It includes three newly designed output styles for citation, free flowing, and book formats; as well as three sizes: small, medium, and large. There is also a native PDF output and a much-improved text output format.
  • UPDATE: Print preview tab name. When the new print tab opens, it is now named after the list being printed. This also applies to exported PDFs-- they are named based on the name of the list.
  • NEW: New Concord icon for mobile devices. If you save, Concord to your smartphone or tablet home screen, it will now use the Concord icon.
  • NEW: We have new terms of service and a new privacy policy. We hope you will take the time to read through all the updates. Both policies have been completely rewritten to be even more respectful of the different ways our customers use Concord for their study and practice of Christian Science.
  • NEW: Subscription management. All users will be given access to sign up for and manage their Concord subscription, including the ability to give Concord as a gift. (More information coming next week.)
  • NEW: Optional analytics for helping improve Concord and opt-in for receiving marketing communications.  
  • UPDATE: Title pages and various front matter across the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings.
  • UPDATE: Tool tips. Add brief explanations of the following features: Stemming, Case Sensitive, Favorites, Search, and Clear.
  • UPDATE: "Remember Me" changed to "Keep me logged in."
  • UPDATE: Modify initial search phrase for new registrants to an exact word search with quotation marks.
  • NEW: Support for parental consent for children under 16 to use Concord.
  • NEW: In an annotation, users may now use the 'tab' key to move to the 'save' and 'cancel' buttons.
  • FIX: Searching with double-quotes on smartphones now works as expected.
  • FIX: Text export now includes list-level comments and annotations.  
  • FIX: Book abbreviation for the book Judges has been updated to "Judg." in the citation builder.
  • FIX: Drop cap out of order in Print Preview.
  • FIX: Return Study Tools to previous state when closing Revision History.

Changes in v5.2.2

Updates for v5.1.23, v5.1.23.1, v5.2, and v5.2.1 are included in this version.

  • NEW: Data migration and import tool for users who need to transition large amounts of data from Concord v2.1 Online and Desktop to new Concord.
  • NEW: Added multi-select of Lists to allow for deleting multiple lists at once via the List Options menu 
  • (3-horizontal lines in top right corner)
  • UPDATE: Added Concord icon and logo, and implemented color changes. 
  • UPDATE: Modified the opening/closing of the Word count feature to match the functionality of Recents and Favorites.
  • UPDATE: Removed the import bar and replaced it with an "Import" button next to "Add Citation" and "Add Text"
  • FIX: List no jumps to the top when reordering a citation in a list.
  • FIX: Copy/paste word REFRAIN with hymn text for hymns including this musical form.
  • FIX: Login page style improvements on Safari and Firefox for desktop.
  • FIX: Import up to 3,000 citations at one time. A single List can hold up to 1,000 citations. If additional citations are imported, the List will be automatically broken into ListName, ListName_1, ListName_2.

  • NOTE: Final changes were made to the Concord payment system, as we invited beta testers to volunteer to help test this aspect of the program. Only volunteers are able to access the payment system and invited to pay at this point. We are also beginning to implement and review the changes coming for the new Concord Guest version (currently known as Concord Express). More info about the changes will be coming soon.

Changes in v5.1.22.1

Updates for v5.1.18, v5.1.19, and v5.1.20- are included in this version.

  • NEW: Copy/paste hymns and poems now includes line breaks and verse spaces. 
  • NEW: Overhaul of the Revision History functions:
    • update formatting, layout, and navigation
    • add left-hand navigation panel to easily select date and changes of available List revisions 
    • clearer indicators of what has changed in each available revision
    • warning message, alerting you before the List is reverted to an earlier version
  • FIX: Copy/paste always includes parenthesis around citation reference.
  • FIX: More space to review List text when only 2 blades are open: Book Text and Lists.
  • FIX: Displayed the word REFRAIN again for hymns including this musical form.

  • NOTE: Additional changes were made to improve the payment system into Concord. We are getting close to inviting beta testers to volunteer to help test this aspect of the program. Only volunteers will be able to access the payment system or invited to pay at this point. 

Changes in v5.1.17

Updates for v5.1.15, v5.1.16, and v5.1.17 are included in this version.

  • IMPROVEMENT: Faster search results.
  • NEW: Found words only display the words found in the book you currently have open. Click "View All" to show all the words variations that your stemming search found across all the books. 
  • NEW: You can now search and cite titles, headings, and epigraphs across the books. For example: you can now search for "Seedtime and Harvest" or "Prayer" or "Pond and Purpose".
  • NEW: After making a change in your list, you can undo the action with an undo option on the list menu. If you want to redo an undo action, that is also possible. ctrl-Z/cmd-Z also works to invoke undo. ctrl-Y/cmd-Y can be invoked for redo. 
  • NEW: When deleting multi-selected citations, there is now a pop-up box to confirm the deletion of the citation by the user. By clicking "enter" on the keyboard or yes on the screen, you are able to confirm the action; or you can click cancel.
  • NEW: When multiple citations are selected, the three-dot menu on the search results and the list blade and the list menu now have a "deselect all" function.
  • FIX: The text display of Christ and Christmas and Poems have been improved.
  • FIX: Copy and paste of a multi-part citation from a list now copies the text from all parts of the citation.
  • FIX: The next and previous functionality advance from citation to citation in the Search blade and the List blade.
  • FIX: In the validation window of the Import citations screen, the checkbox for text are no longer blocked by the scroll bar.
  • NOTE: We have been hard at work integrating a payment system into Concord. Over the next two months we will be inviting beta testers to volunteer to help us test this aspect of the program. Only volunteers will be able to access the payment system or invited to pay at this point.

Changes in v5.1.14.2

Updates for v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, and v5.1.14 are included in this version.

  • NEW: Added Previous/Next navigation for Search results and List citations. Once you click on a citation either under either the Search blade or in a list, you may navigate through all the citations by clicking Next or Previous at the bottom of the Book Text blade. 
  • NEW: Enabled keyboard navigation for the Next/Previous feature. Use the left and right arrows on your keyboard to navigate through Search results or List citations.
  • NEW: A new button enables you to "Repeat your last search" under the Study Tools.
  • NEW: Select multiple search results add to a list (or copy and paste). Use the checkbox on the far-right side of each citation to select. Click the 3-dot menu to add checked citations to an existing or new list (or copy and paste).
  • CHANGE: Select multiple citations in a list using the checkbox on the far-right side of each citation. The multi-select option using the nine-dot icon is disabled.
  • NEW: In Lists, use “de-select all” to uncheck all of the citations at once; this option is available through the List menu (3-horizontal lines) at the top right of the list.
  • NEW: Print specific citations in a list using the new "Print selected" feature. Select the specific citations from your list using the checkboxes; click on the three-dot menu of any of the selected citations, and choose “Print selected citations” option.
  • NEW: To improve performance of the program, each list can contain up to 1,000 citations.
  • NEW: A confirmation email will be sent if you delete your Concord account.
  • FIX: Revision History has been updated with easier navigation and larger buttons. You can see the changes that will be made, and you will receive a warning when you click "Revert" to confirm that you want to go to an earlier version of your list. 
  • FIX: Print Preview includes list numbering, if "Numbers" is set to "On" in the list options.
  • FIX: Books tab navigation has been updated in the following books: 
      • Miscellaneous Writings – Chapters
      • The Manual – some navigational improvements, but still a major work in progress
      • Miscellany – Parts and chapters
      • Christ and Christmas – navigation to glossary and epigraph
  • FIX: Styles have been updated in the following books/sections:
    • All poetry across all MBE books 
    • the Bible – Epistle Dedicatory and Table of Contents, chapter headers and spacing between chapters
    • Retrospection and Introspection – chapter titles
    • Science and Health – epigraphs before TOC; preface improvements; chapter numbers and spacing; Key to the Scriptures formatting (page 499)
  • FIX: Performance optimization tweaks:
    • Optimized many server performance settings
    • Removed various server requests to browser session
    • Reduced number of entries being saved to logs
    • Increased overall speed of saving log entries
    • Reduced overhead of user calls on server
    • Optimized checks for verifying if user needs to re-accept ToS/Privacy Policy and validate their e-mail
    • Updated search engine version which includes over 35 performance improvements
    • Added low-level compression to large tables in the database
    • Optimized database table indexes
    • Log entries older than 14 days are automatically backed up and deleted on a nightly basis
  • ADDED (previously)Notification about cookies being used on website. "Close" button appears on far right of this notification.
  • ADDED (previously): New profile features give users the ability to download all their data and delete their account.

Changes in v5.1.10.1

Updates for v5.1.8, v5.1.9, and v5.1.10 are included in this version.

  • NEW: You may now select multiple citations in a list and move them or take actions on them all at once. For example: you may select multiple citations and delete them or drag-and-drop them to another area in your list or to another list. Select multiple citations by clicking / tapping the nine-dot icon once per citation.
  • NEW: If citation numbering is enabled, individual citations can have their number toggled on and off by clicking / tapping the number.
  • NEW: All books now have summarized citation word counts associated with them. Click the word count area at the bottom of a list to view all the counts.
  • NEW: Select which lists to show as underlining in the Text area by clicking the 'visibility' icon on the list home tab. Ability to turn visibility on or off globally remains under Settings → My Citations.
  • NEW: Annotations and list text blocks now support rich text elements including:
    • Format text with bold, italics, and underline.
    • Embed images. (NOTE: Images are scanned for viruses and resized to save on storage.)
    • Insert website links.
    • Add citations from the Bible or Mary Baker Eddy's writings.
  • NEW: Double click an annotation to edit it directly.
  • NEW: Various improvements to the citation import tool including:
    • each element may be edited in place and re-validated when saved
    • two adjacent items, whether they are two text items or a citation followed by text, may be linked using the chain link icon 
  • NEW: Legacy notebooks (from Concord Desktop / Online v2.1) can now be converted into citation lists from the legacy notebook menu.
  • FIX: Improve text styles in the following books:
    • Christian Science vs. Pantheism - subtitles
    • Pulpit & Press - Titles, subtitles, bylines, newspaper notices
    • Mary Baker Eddy chapters - small caps for first word of each chapter 
  • FIX: Citation jumping issue has been fixed.
  • FIX: If you click on an annotation in the book text, it now stays highlighted green in the List so that you may more easily find it in the list.  
  • FIX: Mary Baker Eddy's hymn titles have been corrected in multiple locations.
  • FIX: If you click on a search result or citation that is near a "Load More" section of the text, the application will now load the next section automatically. 
  • FIX: Lists can now be sorted by labels.

Changes in v5.1.7

Updates for v5.1.4, v5.1.5, and v5.1.6 are included in this version.

  • NEW: Simplified copy and paste for smartphone and tablet devices – no more pop-up box or text selection action is required on iPhone or iPad devices.
  • NEW: Email address verification will be required for all accounts within seven days of creating an account. This means all accounts must use a valid email address. All current users will be given seven days to validate and then will be prompted.
  • NEW: Improved hymnal audio for hymns 1-429. They now match hymns 430-603.
  • NEW: Import multiple citations and text into a list via the Import Citations tool in lists. KB article is available here.
  • NEW: Basic annotation functionality released. More is to be done, but we wanted to get what we have accomplished out to you. KB article and video are available here. Changes include:
    • NEW: Annotations are not separate from lists, but integrated into lists.
    • NEW: An annotation is a citation-level comment. Citation-level comments have been renamed annotations.
    • NEW: Book text is underlined and shows a small highlighter icon where annotations occur. Clicking on the icon in the book text allows you to see all annotations associated with that text.
      NEW: Annotations (formerly citation-level comments) now support carriage returns.
    • NOTE: how annotations are displayed in the text and enabling text formatting in annotations are features that are still being developed. We would like you to weigh-in with your thoughts and insights for us to consider as we continue the development and improvement of annotations. 
  • NEW: Citations in lists can now be numbered sequentially or by book. Double-click on the list name or select “Edit List” in a List’s action menu to reveal the Numbers option. KB article and video are available here.
  • NEW: Word count for each citation in a list.
  • FIX: Many users communicated that they were getting logged out too frequently or that their sessions would unexpectedly refresh after they typed in search terms. We have incorporated changes that will keep people logged in longer and implemented a handy notification for when a session has expired. The timeout is now an hour long.
  • NEW: Many text styling updates. Titles, headings, subheadings, italicized questions, epigraphs, some line spacing. Updates to poetry are still forthcoming.
  • NEW: keyboard navigation for search results is now possible.
    • Use 'tab' to move from search bar to search results
    • Up/Down arrows to navigate works / results
    • Left arrow to traverse up one level (from results back to book or work)
    • Right arrow to traverse down a level (from work to book/results) or to view the search result in book
  • NEW: List-level comments have change to the button "Add Text".
  • NEW: Citation-level comments have changed to say "Enter annotation here...".
  • NEW: Each citation in a list now specifies a word count. Expand the citation text to view individual citation word count. The total word count for all citations is still at the bottom of the active list. Word count by book is still a work in progress.
  • NEW: You can double-click a list title to edit it.
  • NEW: Updated save and cancel buttons for citation edits in lists.
  • NEW: Updated List Home tab. The columns were removed, revealing up to 40 characters of a List's title. The label and date info is smaller. A sort feature was also added, allowing organization by Name, Label, or Date.
  • NEW: S&H is now a valid Science and Health abbreviation.
  • FIX: Citation builder no longer hides 'Load More' button at the top of text segments.
  • FIX: Loading spinner that appeared in Table of Contents when loading Front Matter in Bible.
  • FIX: Various citation highlighting issues.
  • FIX: Mary Baker Eddy hymn title corrected.