Using Trash to Delete and Restore Lists

Using Trash to Delete and Restore Lists

This help article will teach you how to use the Trash feature to delete and restore lists and folders. Follow the steps below or watch the help video to learn more about this feature.

When you delete a list or folder from the List Manager, it will be moved into the trash. A deleted list or folder will remain in the Trash for 30 days, at which point it will be permanently deleted. You can choose to restore or permanently delete an item in the Trash during those 30 days. 


To locate the Trash, click on the List Manager button at the top left of the Lists Panel.


The Trash is located at the bottom right of the List Manager. Click anywhere on the Trash tab to open it.

The Trash will show you all of the lists and folders that have been deleted from the List Manager in the last 30 days. 

Clicking on a list in the Trash will open it in “Read-Only” mode which means you will be limited to restoring and deleting the list. To access more list options, first restore the list.

Restoring a List

You can restore a list back to List Manager in two ways.

  1. You can restore a list by clicking on the 3-dot menu to the right of the deleted list or folder’s name in the Trash and selecting “Restore”. The list or folder will be added back to the List Manager.

2. If you have clicked on a list in the Trash, you can restore that list by selecting the three-horizontal line menu at the top right of the list and choosing “Restore List”. The deleted list will be added back to the List Manager.

Deleting a List

To permanently delete all items in the Trash, select the three-horizontal line menu at the top right of the Trash and choose “Empty Trash.” You will receive a confirmation message confirming your desire to empty the Trash, and all items in the trash will be permanently deleted upon confirmation.


Alternatively, you can permanently delete individual items by clicking on the 3-dot menu to the right of the list or folder you would like to delete and choosing “Delete.” You will receive a confirmation message prior to permanently deleting this item.


Any items left in the Trash will be automatically deleted after they have been in the Trash for 30 days.