Change Log—2024

Change Log—2024

Release 5.69

UPDATE: Full list names now shown on hover in the highlighter pop-up

UPDATE: Icon for annotations in the List panel now appears as an outlined comment bubble to make annotations and comments more distinct

FIX: Searching for “carol” will not cause an exception error

FIX: Imported lists are now immediately shown in the “Add to recent list” options

FIX: Number of active gifts (under Profile -> Gift Status) is now accurate

FIX: Wildcard searches now return list search results and don’t include HTML tags in search results

FIX: List Manager custom sort will place lists correctly when items are in the trash

FIX: Citations added to two or more lists will not add line breaks to text

Release 5.68

NEW: Concord now enters a more accessibility-friendly, single-panel view when the screen is zoomed to 175% or greater. Learn more

NEW: Scrolling through your Print Preview will scroll through your list at the same time and vice versa (setting found under Panel Preferences)

FIX: The keyboard shortcut for deleting selected list entries should now appear in the shortcut list on Macs

FIX: Gift donees should no longer receive server errors if their donor’s account was deleted

FIX: Search result drawers should no longer bounce and show up blank if clicked in rapid succession

Release 5.67

NEW: Additional keyboard shortcuts have been added to Concord. More information can be found here

UPDATE: Annotations only show the first line until clicked

UPDATE: Backend improvements to improve performance

UPDATE: Highlighter icon matches user font size setting instead of size of the highlighted text

FIX: Opening List search results should no longer cause stuttering on Safari

FIX: Miscellaneous line numbering and formatting fixes for German translation of Science and Health

FIX: Using print preview should no longer cause the facing pages button to appear in English

FIX: Import screen text should no longer overlap in French or Portuguese

Release 5.66

UPDATE: Man. 124:11 is now regular text and not a footnote

UPDATE: Added thin spaces before punctuation in French

FIX: Study Tools and Lists panels not usable if the screen is zoomed in

FIX: Search My Lists button blocked by searching for large citations

FIX: Sentences in Prose Works incorrectly formatted as small caps

FIX: “Chapter” not translated when viewing Chapter 13 of Science and Health in French

FIX: Search results for “seed” are now accurate

FIX: Range search not working in French and German when a sentence begins a page

FIX: Server error when a read-only user tries to open the Hymnal

Release 5.65

Contains releases 5.64.1, 5.64.2, and 5.64.3

FIX: Case-sensitive search updated to correctly highlight keywords based on case. 

FIX: Portuguese Help Center now links properly in Settings.

FIX: Error where Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy were not loading in Settings.

FIX: Bug causing persistent loading of the Read Panel when using the Next/Previous feature.

UPDATE: Promotional discounted subscription no longer available for new subscribers.

UPDATE: Added character limits to citation, text box, and annotation length.

UPDATE: Miscellaneous formatting updates to the English, French, and Spanish translations of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

UPDATE: Small copy tweak to the English login page.

Release v5.64

NEW: You can now search your lists to find where words, phrases, citations, annotations, and text boxes appear in your lists. You can also search for lists using list names. This feature can be activated by clicking on the “Search Your List” button in the Study Tools Panel after completing a search. Available in English and all other languages.

NEW: Using the “Search Your List” feature, you can see the last time a citation was used in a list by referencing the “Date Added” header in the table view of the list results.

UPDATE: In program pop up confirming continued free access for French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish users through 2024.

UPDATE: Free trial pop ups should no longer appear for language users.

UPDATE: German and Spanish user interface text clean ups.

FIX: Fixed issue where page and line numbering displayed incorrectly in the Read Panel.

FIX: Miscellaneous small caps and italic updates in the book text.

Release v5.63

NEW: Footnotes now appear in the French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish translations of Science and Health.

NEW: When highlighting French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish text using facing pages, the corresponding English sentences are highlighted.

UPDATE: Previous owner subscription discount no longer available. Customers will be charged the standard rate as of July 15, 2024.

UPDATE: Changing date and time settings no longer closes the Settings menu.

UPDATE: List title autosave increased to seven seconds.

UPDATE: If there are fewer than 200 search results in a book, they will automatically expand when clicked on.

UPDATE: If there are fewer than 100 search results in the French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish translation of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, clicking on the book will automatically expand the results.

UPDATE: Updated character limits for email, first name, and last name in account registration.

FIX: Miscellaneous alignment and font size updates to the Bible.

FIX: Issue where citations in Pulpit and Press and Christian Science and Pantheism were highlighting more than the selected citation.

FIX: Miscellaneous book text display issues.

FIX: Shuffle icon no longer persists when scrolling in the Books tab.

FIX: Server error when looking up citation in German translation.

FIX: Bug related to word count displaying incorrectly between sessions.

FIX: Bookmarks menu dimensions.

FIX: Citations within a list not opening on tablet.

FIX: Issue where previous search terms were highlighted in blue instead of current search terms.

Release v5.62

NEW: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is now searchable in French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish within Concord. Go to your settings to add one or more of these languages to your account free of charge, while it is in a Beta testing period.

NEW: Ability to choose Date and Time format in settings.

NEW: When search results contain a single book, the search results will automatically expand. 

UPDATE: “Continue as guest” button when navigating from Quarterly Digital Edition of the Christian Science Bible Lessons and JSH-Online is now larger.

FIX: Hymn 429 not returning in search results.

Release v5.61

Contains releases v5.59 and v5.60


NEW: Promotional $60 annual subscription rate for new accounts and Read-only accounts. This introductory rate transitions to the standard rate after the first year.

NEW: New login screen to simplify the option to login or create a free account.

UPDATE: Concord’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have been updated to include changes to Concord Guest Access and the forthcoming additions of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

UPDATE: Users must create an account to access Concord. Concord Guest Access, as users have known it, now requires you to log in with an email and password. You can create a Concord account for free.

UPDATE: Adjusted the messaging on the login screen announcing changes to Concord Guest Access. 

UPDATE: Set up Concord to give Read-Only customers a free month of using the full program from February 1 - March 1, 2024. 

UPDATE: Search now recognizes Msg00, Msg01, Msg02 and Msg1900, Msg1901, Msg1902 as abbreviations for those books by Mary Baker Eddy; it also understands a smart quote or straight quote (example ‘00 1:1). 

UPDATE: Supported importing citations that are numbered 1., 2., 3., etc.

FIX: Eliminated unnecessary spacing in print and PDFs when paragraph begins with a quotation mark.

FIX: On mobile, soft hyphens in book text no longer appear behind the text.

FIX: On mobile, highlighting near em dashes works more consistently.

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