Adjusting Panel Widths

Adjusting Panel Widths

The Study Tools, Read, and Lists panels can all be expanded! Please note: Panel widths are only adjustable on the laptop/desktop version of Concord. 






To adjust the widths of your panels, follow the directions below: 

Hover your mouse over the grey line dividing two panels (as indicated by the red arrows below).


Your mouse pointer will change to a bi-directional arrow (shown below). 


Once the bi-directional arrow is visible, click and drag the panel horizontally in the direction you would like that panel to move. 

(Note: red arrows will not appear in program)


The panels can be adjusted further when only two of them are open. For example, to expand the Lists Panel as far as possible, click the “Close Study Tools Panel” icon in the upper left corner (shown below). 

Then drag the dividing line between the Read and Lists Panels to the left. The same process can be used to expand the Study Tools Panel.

Your panels will remain in whatever position you adjust them to until you log out or reset them from the settings menu.


Resetting the Panels to the Standard Widths:

To reset the panels to their default sizes, click on the “Settings” Menu at the top of the program. Click “Reset Panel Views” to reset the Study Tools and Lists panel to their default widths.