Using Favorites

Using Favorites

This article will demonstrate how to save a search to the Favorites sections of the Study Tools Panel so you can easily conduct that same search again.


Enter a search term or phrase into the search bar.


Click on the heart icon to add this search to your Favorites. The word(s) you searched for and any additional search options you activated (such as stemming or range) will be saved to the Favorites menu.


Adding a search to your Favorites will open up the Favorites menu at the bottom of the Study Tools Panel. All of the searches that you favorite will be located here. If your Favorites menu does not automatically open, you can click on the Favorites menu at the bottom of the Study Tools Panel.

To conduct one of your favorite searches, open the Favorites menu and click on the search word(s) you would like to search for. Note that the settings column will tell you which search options (if any) are attached to that favorite search.


For example, clicking on “Jesus” in the Favorites menu (as shown above) will run a search for the word “Jesus” with the range specified when that search was initially added to the Favorites menu. 


Clicking on the trash can to the left of each favorited search will remove it from the Favorites menu.


Clicking on the “Clear All” icon will delete all of your favorite searches from the Favorites menu.