Search Concord - Case Sensitive Searches

Search Concord - Case Sensitive Searches

What is "Case Sensitive" Searching?

When Case Sensitive is toggled on, your search results will include only those words which match the case (uppercase or lowercase) of the words(s) in the search bar. 

For example, if you type “Truth” into the search bar with Case Sensitive toggled on, your search results will show only listings for “Truth” and not “truth.”

Conducting a Case Sensitive Search Filter in the New Search Options Menu

To conduct a case sensitive search in Concord:

  1. Enter the word(s) you would like to search for in the search bar. 

  2. Click (or Tap for iPhone/mobile) on the words "Search Options" just below the search bar. This will open the new Search Options menu. 

  3. Click or tap on the gray button across from the words "Case Sensitive." You will know case sensitive searching has been activated once the gray button has turned blue and the words "Case Sensitive" appear in a blue box under the search bar. 

  4. Click or tap on the magnifying glass next to the search bar to conduct the search. 

  5. To disable case sensitive searching, open the Search Options menu and click or tap on the blue toggle, to turn it back to gray. 

  6. To remove all activated search options at once, click or tap on the blue “Reset” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the Search Options menu. 

  7. To remove all activated search options at once and simultaneously clear the words in the search bar, click or tap on the X located on the right-hand side of the search bar. 



Overview of Search Options Menu

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