Concord Desktop - Convert Legacy Notebooks

Concord Desktop - Convert Legacy Notebooks

For our Concord Desktop customers to migrate their data to new Concord



What are you looking to do? (click on one of the options)

  1. Migrate Notebooks from Concord Online (v2.1) - click here
    Import Notebooks via Copy/Paste from Concord Online (v2.1) to new Concord

  2. Migrate Notebooks from Concord Desktop
    Convert Legacy Notebook data from Concord Desktop to new Concord (instructions below)

  3. Migrate Annotations - click here
    Convert/Export Annotations from Concord Desktop or
    Concord Online (v2.1)

  4. Backup Notebooks from Concord Online (v2.1) - click here
    Export Notebook data to your computer



Migrate Notebooks from Concord Desktop


Step 1. Locate Concord Documents folder on your computer

On Mac...

  1. Go to Finder → Documents

  2. Within the Documents folder, there should be a folder called "Concord Documents"

  3. Inside that folder, you will find files ending in .html – you'll need to access these Notebook files in Step 2

On PC...

  1. Go to Windows Explorer → Documents

  2. Within Documents folder, there should be a folder called "Concord Documents"

  3. Inside that folder, you will find files ending in .html – you'll need to access these Notebook files in Step 2

Figure 1.1

Step 2. Import Notebook files into new Concord

  1. Login to new Concord at concord.christianscience.com (blue login button at the top)

  2. Go to the Lists panel on the right (if it’s not open, click the Green Lists icon

    in the upper right-hand corner to open it)

  3. Click on the List Menu tab (the icon with the 3 dots and lines) 

  4. Go to the bottom of the List Menu panel, and click on “View Legacy Notebooks” 

  5. A new menu pops-up; click on the “Upload” icon in the upper right-hand corner of the menu 

  6. Navigate to the Concord Documents (noted in Step 1) folder where you saved your Notebook file (ends in .html)

  7. Click on the file name and click “Open”

  8. Go to the 3-horizontal line List Menu in the upper right-hand corner 

  9. Click “Convert to List”

  10. In the “Import Citations” box, any citations that are red will not be imported unless you:

    1. Check the box on the right of that Text row or to change all of them, click “Add as Free Text” box in the top green bar


    2. Link the text passages to a specific citations by clicking on the link icon 

      (Note: text links to a citation above it)

  11. Click “Save”

  12. Your Notebook is now saved as a list. You can go to the Legacy (Read Only) tab, click on the 3-horizontal line List Menu again, and choose Delete Notebook. This does not delete the file from your computer, only from the Legacy Notebook list within new Concord

  13. Repeat Steps 3 - 12 to import the next Notebook





See also > Copy/Paste Notebooks | Migrate Annotations | Export/Backup Notebooks

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