Canceling your Concord Subscription

Canceling your Concord Subscription

Read below to learn how to cancel your Concord subscription.


To cancel your Concord subscription:

1. Log in to your Concord account by going to concord.christianscience.com, and clicking on the blue “Login” button.

2. To access your account information, click or tap on the following:

Computer/laptop - click your email address in the top bar.

iPad - Tap the Gear icon in the top bar, then tap “Profile” in the menu.

Smartphone - Tap the “More” button at the bottom of the screen, then tap “Profile” in the menu which appears.

3. On the next screen, you will see a box labeled “Account Info.” In that box, click the “Update Subscription” button.

4. On the following screen, select, “Cancel subscription,” and then click “Continue.”

5. On the final screen, you may share comments with the Concord team as to why you are canceling your subscription. Customer feedback helps us improve the product, and we thank you in advance for any feedback you are willing to share.

To finalize your cancelation, click “Continue.” Your subscription will be canceled, any remaining balance will be refunded, and your account will shift into “Read-Only” mode. A “Read-Only” account gives you access to the lists in your account, but you will not be able to edit those lists or create new ones.

In accordance with our privacy policy, one year from the cancellation date, your account may be deleted. You are always welcome to resubscribe at any time. If you resubscribe within a year of canceling your account, any lists you created within your account prior to canceling will be editable once again.

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