Adding annotations and text to a list

Adding annotations and text to a list


An annotation is a note associated with a specific citation. If you move the citation to a new location in your list, the annotation will travel with it.

To add an annotation, click the pencil icon next to the citation you would like to annotate. 

Add your annotation in the textbox below. Note that you can add formatting and links using the icons at the top of the annotation box. Click “Done” to save and close the annotation box. 

You can also add notes to your list as free standing text. These notes can be moved using the 9-dot icon.anywhere in your list without moving any citations.

To add free standing text, click the “Add Text” button at the bottom of your list. 

Add your note, and click “Done” to save and close the text box. 

You can now move this freestanding text anywhere in your list using the 9-dot icon to the left of the text.