Search Concord - Proximity Search

Search Concord - Proximity Search

What is Proximity Search?

Concord’s default search show instances in which all words in the search bar appear within one sentence or verse of each other. Using proximity search, you can expand your search results to show instances in which two or more words appear within a larger number (that you select) of verses, sentences, or paragraphs of each other. 

Conducting a Proximity Search in the New Search Options Menu

To conduct a proximity search in Concord:

  1. Enter the words you would like to search for in the search bar (you need at least two words and can not have more than five words). 

  2. Click (or Tap for iPhone/mobile) on the words "Search Options" just below the search bar. This will open the new Search Options menu. 

  3. Click or tap on the gray button across from the words "Proximity Search." You will know proximity search has been activated once the gray button has turned blue and the word "Proximity" appears in a blue box under the search bar. 

  4. Two gray boxes will appear directly below the words Proximity Search.

    1. In the gray box on the lefthand side, enter a number of your choosing to indicate how many sentences, verses or paragraphs you want your search terms to be within one another to appear in your search results.

    2. Click or tap on the dropdown to select whether you would like to search sentences and verses (will show results for all the books), paragraphs (will show results for only books by Mary Baker Eddy), sentences (will show results for only books by Mary Baker Eddy), or verses (will show only the Bible and Christian Science Hymnal).

  5. Click or tap on the magnifying glass next to the search bar to conduct the search. 

  6. To disable proximity search, open the Search Options menu and click or tap on the blue toggle, to turn it back to gray. 

  7. To remove all activated search options at once, click or tap on the blue “Reset” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the Search Options menu. 

  8. To remove all activated search options at once and simultaneously clear the words in the search bar, click or tap on the X located on the right-hand side of the search bar. 



  • To search for the number of times “Jesus” and “water” are used within 3 verses or sentences of each other in all of the books, put the following in the search bar: Jesus water. Then enter enter 3 in the first gray box below Proximity Search

  • To find where the words “freedom” and spiritual appear within the same paragraph in Mrs. Eddy’s books, type :freedom  

Below are some examples of proximity searches illustrating the various formats explained above.

Note: you may also use the Case Sensitive and Stemming checkboxes with the options below.

Search Type...

Type in Search Bar...

Type in Gray Box...

Dropdown Menu Selection

The type of results you will see

Search Type...

Type in Search Bar...

Type in Gray Box...

Dropdown Menu Selection

The type of results you will see

Standard proximity search with two terms

Jesus water


Sentences & Verses

All instances where Jesus and water appear within 2 verses or sentences of each other in all the books

Standard proximity search with three terms

Christ truth light 


Sentences & Verses

All instances where Jesus and water and wine appear within 2 verses or sentences of each other in all the books

Standard proximity search with boolean operator

Jesus (water OR sea)


Sentences & Verses

All instances where Jesus and either the word water or sea appear within 3 sentences or verses of each other

Standard proximity search with boolean operator and wildcard term

(Jesus OR Christ) heal*


Sentences & Verses

All instances where either the word Jesus or Christ appears within 2 verses or sentences of any word which starts with the letters heal… (including heal, heals, healed, healing, etc.)

Paragraph-only proximity search

Christ truth



All instances in which Christ and truth appear within the same paragraph of Mrs. Eddy's Writings (the Bible and Hymnal are not searched because these books contain verses).

Paragraph-only proximity search with three terms

Jesus water wine



All instances in which Jesus and water and wine appear within 4 paragraphs of each other in sentence books (Mary Baker Eddy’s writings only)

Paragraph-only proximity search with three terms, including a boolean search term

(Mind NOT mortal) understanding intelligence



All instances where the word Mind but not the word mortal appears within 3 paragraphs of both the words understanding and intelligence in sentence books

Verse-only proximity search with three terms

holy power Love


Verses Only

All instances where holy and power and Love appear within 3 verses of each other in verse books (the Bible and Christian Science Hymnal)

Sentence-only proximity search with three terms

harmony goodness Love


Sentences Only

All instances where holy and power and Love appear within 3 sentences of each other in sentence books (Mary Baker Eddy's writings only)


Overview of Search Options Menu 



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