Sharing Lists

Sharing Lists

Here are the step-by-step written instructions explaining how to share a list through email:


  1. Open the list you would like to share. 

  2. Click on the List Options menu.

  3. Under Copy to Clipboard, click on the format you would like to share your list in: Citation, Free Flowing or Book Format.

  4. Open a new email.

  5. Placing your cursor where you would type out the body of an email, paste your citation with one of the following methods:

    Browser menu:
  • Edit —> Paste


Right-click —> Paste


Keyboard shortcuts:

  • On a Mac: Cmd+v
  • On a PC Ctrl+v

Here are the step-by-step written instructions explaining how to attach a list to an email by exporting as a PDF: 

  1. Open the list you would like to share.

  2. Click on the List Options menu.

  3. Select Print Preview.

  4. In the Print Preview panel, click on the Settings icon.  

  5. Under Format click on either the Citation, Free-Flowing or Book Format option.

  6. Under Font Size choose Small, Medium or Large.

  7. Under Options, select (or deselect) Date, Marginal Headings, or Line/Verse Numbers.

  8. Select Export to PDF. This will automatically open a PDF version of your list in a new tab.

  9. In your browser menu, select File —> Save as

  10. Title this document, select the location in which you would like to save the document, and click Save.

  11. Open a new email.

  12. Look for a paperclip icon within the opened email. This will let you attach a file to the email. Click the Attach File button.

  13. In the pop-up menu, select which document you would like to attach to the email. Click Open.

  14. Once your list is attached as a separate PDF document, ad a recipient and subject before clicking Send.


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